Meet the ISC2 Instructor Shinichi Fuchigami

Meet ISC2 Instructor Shinichi Fuchigami, CISSP, SSCP
Fuchigami is the head of NEC Group's security strategy, leading the team responsible for the group-wide penetration of security-by-design, new technology development, incident response, and policy engagement. He also contributes to developing advanced human resources outside the company. He is also actively involved in security community activities, such as OWASP OKINAWA Chapter leader and Hardening Project executive committee member.
Previously, he taught information security and networking at an information technology college for 16 years and managed the school as the vice-principal for the last three years. Before that, he worked at a system integrator as a programmer of control systems and a network engineer. In 2016, Fuchigami was awarded ISC2 Information Security Leadership.
Senior Information Security Professional Award Corporate Executive CISO
General Manager, Cyber Security Strategy Department, NEC