Meet ISC2 Instructor Graham Thornburrow-Dobson

Graham Thornburrow-Dobson, CISSP, SSCP
Graham has over 20 years of experience in IT security and related training, on a global basis.
The last 15 years has seen him develop a global reputation for his passion for security and his ability to enflame the same in others via both training and consulting. He notes: “Still everyone talks about security, but few people really try to do it—and even fewer people know.”
His mission includes raising awareness at the very top, corner-office level for both governments and corporations, and ‘hands-on training’ for a wide range of individuals in the basics of “Getting It Done. Properly”.
Graham’s ability to communicate at all levels of an organization has to do with his understanding of what people need to know, and how they need to hear it in order to understand and embrace it. He has found that Senior Management (whether corporate, military or government) needs not just overviews, but case studies in What Can Happen if they’re not paying attention, both in the quantitative terms of cash, and the qualitative terms of reputation.
He understands that when it comes to individuals who are at the managerial or hands’-on level, anecdote, metaphor and the ability to bring real-life experience into the classroom – not just his, but those of his delegates as well – is what brings the material to life. At all levels, he is known for his sense of humor and great sense of fun, both of which are always remarked upon.
One of Graham’s particular talents is his ability to communicate across different cultures. In Europe, he has worked in Denmark, England, Ireland, Latvia, The Netherlands, Poland and Sweden. In Africa and the Middle East: Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, South Africa, the UAE and Uganda. In the U.S., Arizona and New York. In Asia and Australasia: Australia, Malaysia and Singapore.