Cracking the Code: Tackling the 4 Critical NIS2 Domain Challenges
In response to the EU’s NIS2 Directive, ISC2 has developed a guidance document for security professionals and business managers whose organisations are facing impact.
The downloadable resource provides a practical guide that shares real-world experiences to assist in the timely review and preparation of high-priority tasks. It is not intended to serve as a comprehensive NIS2 implementation manual, which can be accessed through the EU.
Before the formal launch of this guidance document, we are seeking input and feedback from the ISC2 community as to the value of a guidance document of this kind. You can download the document below and join the discussion on the ISC2 Community to share your feedback. Be sure you are logged into your ISC2 Community account to access the discussion.
We appreciate your time and any comments, reactions and critique of the document that you are willing to share with the team. ISC2 will continue to develop additional resources around governance models, standards, and applicability and your feedback helps us deliver on our value promise to you.