Ethical Dilemma of AI in CybersecurityAt the core of dealing with cybersecurity are ethical and moral decisions and dilemmas. Mathura Prasad, CISSP, shares his views based on the challenges he faces daily as a cybersecurity professional.

The presence of necessary and complex AI applications in cybersecurity raises moral concerns. Many cybersecurity experts may have experienced the substantial influence of AI when defending against cyberattacks. However, I have also grappled with the intricate ethical and moral challenges that arise when applying AI technology in this domain. Cybersecurity professionals encounter AI-related ethical questions on a regular basis. Below are some of the concerns which, based on my personal experience, are often faced when using AI in cybersecurity.

Privacy vs. Security

The trade-off between privacy and security is one of the most notable ethical conundrums in AI-driven cybersecurity. Through its capacity to process vast amounts of data, AI creates user privacy concerns. Consider the case of a network intrusion detection system that uses AI to monitor user activities. Excessive surveillance is a concern if internet habits are continuously and closely monitored, despite detecting suspicious actions.

Example: An organization deploys AI-driven network monitoring, inadvertently capturing sensitive employee information in the everyday monitoring process. Balancing security with privacy becomes a challenge, as the system must be fine-tuned to minimize personal and other non-work-related data collection while still identifying threats effectively.

Bias and Fairness

AI algorithms often inherit biases from the data they are trained on, leading to ethical dilemmas related to fairness and discrimination. In cybersecurity, a biased AI could result in profiling or unfairly targeting certain groups. For instance, an AI-based malware detection system might flag software disproportionately used by specific demographics, creating ethical concerns around bias and discrimination.

Example: A cybersecurity tool flags legitimate software used primarily by a specific cultural group as malicious due to biases in the training data. This raises questions about fairness and the potential for unjust and disproportionate actions and consequences.

Accountability and Decision-Making

AI in cybersecurity can autonomously make decisions, such as blocking IP addresses or quarantining files. When these automated actions go wrong, it raises questions about accountability. Who is responsible when AI makes a mistake? Is it the cybersecurity professional who deployed the AI system, the AI developers, or the organization as a whole?

Example: An AI-powered firewall mistakenly blocks a critical network service, causing significant disruption. Determining accountability becomes complicated as it involves assessing the actions of both the AI system and the human operators who implemented and maintained it.

Transparency and Explanation

The "black box" nature of some AI models poses another ethical dilemma. Many AI algorithms, especially deep learning models, are difficult to interpret and their core programming and logic is usually inaccessible due to being proprietary intellectual property, making it challenging to explain their decisions, especially unexpected ones. In cybersecurity, this lack of transparency can promote mistrust and uncertainty, as security professionals may struggle to understand why AI flagged a specific activity as malicious.

Example: A cybersecurity analyst must defend their decision to act against a suspected threat flagged by an AI system. However, they cannot provide a clear explanation of why the AI made that determination, making it challenging to justify their subsequent actions to stakeholders.

Job Displacement and Economic Impacts

Due to AI's automation of routine threat detection, there may be job displacement within the cybersecurity industry. This ethical dilemma extends beyond the immediate concerns of cybersecurity professionals to broader societal implications, including economic impact and the need for retraining and reskilling.

Example: An organization implements AI-based automated incident response, reducing the need for human analysts. The ethical challenge lies in managing the consequences of potential job losses and ensuring that affected individuals have opportunities for retraining and transition.

Some of the Best Practices While Engaging AI

Ever-present and complex ethical questions arise in the work of a cybersecurity professional, where they must contend with both cyber threats and AI considerations. To navigate this challenging terrain, the following set of best practices will help in effectively employing AI while upholding ethical standards.

Transparent Communication: Open and transparent communication is paramount. A cybersecurity professional can play a crucial role in their organization by ensuring that all stakeholders understand an AI systems' capabilities and limitations. This transparency fosters trust and helps mitigate concerns related to the "black box" nature of AI.

Bias Mitigation: Be vigilant in identifying and addressing biases within AI algorithms. This involves conducting regular audits of training data, refining models to reduce bias, and advocating for diverse and inclusive data sources. By actively combating bias, one can ensure that AI-based decisions are fair and just.

Accountability Frameworks: Establishing clear accountability frameworks is essential. Work closely with legal and compliance teams to define who is responsible for AI-driven actions and decisions. The earlier this is defined and agreed in a deployment the better. This clarity helps in resolving disputes and ensuring that accountability is assigned appropriately.

Continuous Learning and Ethical Training: Staying informed about the latest developments in AI ethics is a top priority. Dedication to continuing education helps with quantifying ethical AI considerations and with adjusting approaches in accordance with evolving norms.

Responsible Data Handling: To balance the need for security with user privacy, implement strict data handling practices. This means collecting only necessary data, anonymizing sensitive information, and employing encryption and access controls to safeguard data from unauthorized access.

Regular Audits and Assessments: Conducting regular audits of AI systems is crucial. These assessments help identify any emerging ethical concerns, evaluate the system's performance, and allow for necessary adjustments to be made to maintain ethical standards.

Engagement with the AI Community: Collaboration with the broader AI community is invaluable. By sharing insights and learnings, optimal methods for addressing ethical problems in AI can be identified.

By adhering to these best practices, a cybersecurity can maintain the delicate balance between harnessing the capabilities of AI in cybersecurity and upholding ethical principles. With AI and cybersecurity in a state of constant change, ethics and surveillance remain constant requirements. In addition to protecting systems and data, a cybersecurity professional's role also encompasses safeguarding the ethical integrity of any AI-driven defenses.

Final Thoughts

Significant opportunities exist for enhanced cyber defense because of AI integration. Technology introduces a labyrinth of ethical concerns that cybersecurity experts must deal with every day, including transparency, accountability, privacy, biases, and economic impacts. Protecting digital assets is just one facet of our role as cybersecurity experts; more importantly, we must ensure ethical AI usage. To resolve these problems, the cybersecurity community needs to engage in ongoing talks, establish guidelines for appropriate AI use, and push for morality-based AI practices within the digital space. To navigate our complex and connected world, we must prioritize ethical AI usage.

Mathura Prasad, CISSP, is a seasoned professional in GRC processes, specializing in Application Security, Penetration Testing, and Coding. His cybersecurity journey has focused on the pursuit of innovation, with a focus on leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) to elevate day-to-day work.

  • ISC2 is holding a series of global strategic and operational AI workshops March 12-15, 2024. Find out more here
  • Sign up for our webinar on “Five Ways AI Improves Cybersecurity Defenses Today”
  • Replay our two-part webinar series on the impact of AI on the cybersecurity industry: Part 1 and Part 2