July and August on ISC2 Insights saw cyber leadership, OT, defense strategies and the role of government in helping the private sector with its cybersecurity needs all regularly coming to the fore.

As we get closer to the end of 2023, which as usual is closer than we realize, thoughts have clearly turned to planning for the future and defending against uncertain times.

The July-August 2023 ISC2 Insights CPE Credit Quiz is now live . Every two months, we publish a 10-question quiz with questions based on some of our longer-read editorial content from that period. Successfully passing the quiz results in two CPE credits being automatically added to your total.

To review the relevant content for this quiz, please review the following opinion and features articles dated either July 2023 or August 2023 from the Insights section of the ISC2 web site:

The latest editorial CPE quiz can be found at: https://learn.isc2.org/d2l/le/lessons/9460/topics/475955

Don’t forget, if you have not already done so, you can still take our quizzes from the last 12 months – all of the following quizzes are currently live and each is worth two CPE credits – get them now before the quizzes expire: